Starting January 14th, Canyon Creek will be diving into a new Sermon Series on the book of Colossians called Set Your Mind on Christ Alone. This nine-week series will explore the Apostle Paul's epistle to the church at Colossae, covering numerous topics that flow from the primacy of Christ in our lives.

Along with the Sunday Services we will be hosting Bible Studies throughout the San Ramon Valley. Some meet in backyards, some meet virtually online, and we are ready to form new groups all the time. If you are interested in joining a life group please do so here.  We will be posting the Bible study lessons on this page so feel free to join a Life Group or, if you would like, you can go through them on your own. 
Part 1: The Christian Virtues
Participant Material
Part 2: Embracing the Will of God
Participant Material
Part 3: The Supremacy of Christ
Participant Material
Part 4: The Mysterious Gospel Revealed
Participant Material
Part 5: Built Up in Christ
Participant Material
Part 6: The Sufficiency of Christ
Participant Material
Part 7:  Jesus Clothes
Participant Material
Part 8: Healthy Homes
Participant Materials
Part 9: Speaking Grace
Participant Materials
Bonus Lesson: Philemon
Participant Materials